Opened on the 11th of April 1888, Amsterdam’s famous Royal Concertgebouw still remains one of the finest concert halls in the world and can be mentioned in the same breath as Boston’s Symphony Hall and the Musikverein in Vienna. On 11 April 2013, on the building’s 125th anniversary, Queen Beatrix (now Princess Beatrix) bestowed the Royal Title “Koninklijk” on the famous building.
“Concertgebouw” is a Dutch term that can be literally translated as “concert building.” Designed by the architect Adolf Leonard van Gendt, construction started in 1883 and was completed in 1886. The first concert took place on its opening day in 1888 with an inaugural concert, in which an orchestra of 120 musicians and a chorus of 500 singers participated, performing works of Wagner, Handel, Bach, and Beethoven. The resident orchestra of the Concertgebouw is the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest), which gave its first concert in the hall on 3 November 1888 and was also bestowed with the Royal title “Koninklijk” by the then Queen Beatrix in 1988.
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