Now a days most people search online for travel and tourist information. Nevertheless visiting a tourist information center can help you right along to get the best out your valuable time in Amsterdam. This pages shows you all the details of the tourist information centers in Amsterdam. The specialist in the centers are well known in the city and can help you schedule your day, but also provide you ticket and tour information. In addition, city maps, practical information, our discount cards like the Iamsterdam card. Keep in mind that in general ordering tickets online is cheaper, because you get online discount. When you already know which kind of things you like to do in Amsterdam, take a quick look on this website and use the navigation on the upper right of the site.
The two Amsterdam information tourist centers
In Amsterdam there are two official tourist information offices. When you are already arrived in Amsterdam we recommend you to go the tourist information center Koffiehuis Stationsplein 10 which is directly across the street at Amsterdam Central Station.
The other information office is at Schiphol airport. This center would be great to visit, when you just arrive on the airport of Amsterdam Schiphol. The adres of the center is Amterdam Schiphol Airport, Schiphol Airport Arrivals 2 Schiphol Plaza.
At both of the locations above you can pick up your Iamsterdam Card or your Holland Pass.