Afhaalcentrum Manis Amsterdam – Indonesian specialties

If you’re looking for an authentic Indonesian dish to take away afhaalcentrum Manis is perfect! Compared to other Indonesian restaurants their prices are really sharp. For example, the most expensive thing that you can order are the combined meals for €11,95,-. The most common thing to do is creation your own dish. By combining a view portions. It’s a lot of fun, because you can always try a new combination. When your new with the Indonesian kitchen, just ask for some suggestions at the counter.

Manis offers great food that you can easily take away, and take to one of the nearby parks and enjoy your meal in the open sky. It’s also possible to eat your meal at Manis, but the space is pretty limited. For instance, if you plan to eat with a groep, you have to go for the take away option.

Lastly, we like to add that the recipes of Manis are authentic family recipes. For more then a few decades the owners of Manis serve happy customers. They brought their knowledge and skills all the way from Indonesia. This is were most of the employees were born. Go experience it for yourself, you won’t be disappointed!

Opening hours afhaalcentrum Manis

Monday – closed
Tuesday until Sunday – 16:00 – 22:00


Address and contact details afhaalcentrum Manis

Afhaalcentrum Manis
Goudsbloemdwarsstraat 3
1015 JV Amsterdam

Afhaalcentrum Manis on the city map

Also check out the other Indonesian restaurants in Amsterdam.

Let other travelers know about your experience at afhaalcentrum Manis. Would you recommend it, was the service good? We like to hear from you, and have short lines with the owner of Manis.


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